Study the systems and identify the scope of the problem, communication with stakeholders and ensure that the end products will solve the business problems. Prepare use cases based on system needs, create prototype, mockups, screens...
The aim is define project, planning, execution, monitor and closure of a whole process.
A primary goal of online data visualization is to communicate information clearly and efficiently via online statistical graphics, plots and information graphics. Numerical data may be encoded using dots, lines, or bars, to visually communicate a message for the customer. It makes complex data more accessible, understandable and usable.
Changing no software features but defining existing content items (such as options, variables, dashboards, etc.) to match the specification a client is interested in. CRM, ERP, CMS, E-Commerce, templates etc.
We are bringing existing software features closer to the specification a client is interested in and creating new software features to match the specification a client (Extensibility).
CRM, ERP, CMS, E-Commerce, templates etc.
Determine the data to be stored in the database, relationships between the different data elements and proposal of logical structure upon the data on the basis of these relationships.
We create responsive web applications, e-commerce pages (e-shops), web pages based on open source CMS, simply one page presentations. Over 10 years of experience in developing and managing reliable backend systems for various businesses.
All forms of communicative design as logos, posters, brochures, flyers, banners, leaflets, books, catalogues, bussines cards, book covers, magazines. You can use our technical and typographic skills to arrange and style words and numbers as they appear in printed form.
Photos described with titles, background music and finalized as DVD output, video file, social network video.
Web Design + Data Visualization (Example) + Bussines Analysis